Sunday 5 January 2014

Affirmations for the New Year, 2014

'2014 is going to be the best year of my life so far.'

I am going to see as much of my country as I can whilst visiting universities that I have applied to, because it is scary to me how little I have seen of such a small country, let alone the rest of the world. 
I will be accepted into a UK university that I would like to go to, and learn to live away from my family in order to become more self sufficient and find out more about the way the world works.
I promise to read and repeat mantras and affirmations daily in order to remind myself that I am confident and outgoing enough to succeed as an actress, and that if I ever feel less than adequately confident, I need to do something to change that. I will also do this to become more confident in what I know deep down that I can do, and never stop trying to learn more about what I feel I cannot.

This year I will expand my knowledge, read more and learn as much as is possible at this stage of my life. I will seize every opportunity, meet as many people and experience all that I can in order to learn as much as possible from it. I will also ensure that I stay connected with my close friends wherever I am, and try even harder in my personal relationships.
I will ensure that I am more organised this year, get all of my work done efficiently and set out a clear schedule for myself each week so that I definitely stick to it. Revision will be done without stress, anxiety and worry, and I will complete every piece of work on the day it is given, when possible.

In 2014, I will succeed in getting a part-time job or two, which I will fit around sixth form without experiencing stress. If I do, I will find new ways to calm myself down and remember to schedule my days better. This will in turn lead to more money coming in, which I will continue handling sensibly, as I do now.

I promise to emphasise the love and compassion that I feel for every individual, animal and part of nature by becoming more actively involved in their protection. I will do this by donating, protesting and continuing to make a difference for animals and the planet through my vegetarianism, and disregarding those who say that I'm not making a difference. If I'm saving one animal's life, then it made a difference to them - and that's proven. I need to remember that. I will also become even more energy efficient by not using electrical appliances as often, turning lights off when they aren't needed and take more short showers than baths.
I will also remember to love myself by exercising regularly, whether at home or elsewhere, eating sensibly and remembering to treat myself once in a while, food-wise, and constantly remind myself that I don't need to look like other girls that I see around, only myself. Just healthy. I haven't dyed my hair since February 2013, and I will continue to let my hair grow naturally without adding harsh chemicals and use heated appliances less often. I will stop picking my nails and keep my cuticles healthy, as the hands are what can connect human beings externally and are very important. My anxiety will reduce, and if I ever feel it is returning I will stop whatever is causing it (as it is normally school work related) and take a break to refresh my mind, or if it is performance anxiety, then I will remind myself of those who inspire me, motivate me and keep me pushing for my aspirations.
I promise to go to the cinema or theatre more often in order to support those actors/actresses/directors or production companies that I particularly enjoy, and also to show appreciation of the craft and industry that I would like to enter into

 This year I will take up meditation in order to de-stress, think clearly and aid my ability to become more outspoken than I am currently about what I think, feel and believe. 

 Finally, I will give my best in everything I do, from the smallest piece of work to the biggest performance.
'2014 will be the best year of my life, laying the foundation for 2015, which will dwarf the achievements of 2014.'
Foot note -
Those first and last highlighted quotes were said by Travis Alexander, a man who was killed quite horrifically in 2008 by his ex-girlfriend Jodi Arias. The case wasn't so big over here in the UK, so some may not have heard about it unless they know either me or my best friends, but it was huge in America, so I've heard.
Travis was a motivational speaker while he lived. He is the man who inspired me to start this self help, guidance and success blog, so that I could share my thoughts, feelings, beliefs, rants and aspirations with other people in order to go on a journey with other dreamers, and help them see that their own goals and dreams are achievable too. It is also so that I can set out the goings on in my head so that I can see it all clearly and understand myself more. I owe him a lot, and I hope that this spark of inspiration leads to something wonderful for everyone.
Myself and each of my friends wrote one of these passages so that at the end of 2014 we can look back and see how much we have achieved individually and collectively. In my opinion, I think we'll do incredible things.
If you want to read some of Travis's beautiful and inspirational thoughts on the world and life, then you can find his blog by searching for 'Travis Alexander's Being Better Blog' in Google or whatever search engine you like to use.
Write one of these down to prepare a clean slate for the year ahead. Come back to it on New Year's Eve and see what you have achieved, and what is left that you can add to the passage for 2015.
I wish you all great success, happiness and prosperity in 2014.
Happy New Year!

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